How Cenforce Treats Erectile Dysfunction? Cover Image


How Cenforce Treats Erectile Dysfunction?

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Start date 05-18-24 - 13:00
End date 12-31-50 - 23:00
  • Description

    Almost all the Sildenafil Tablets we take have two effects on the body. One is blocking the relaxing enzymes called phosphodiesterase type 5 or PDE5. And the second one is improving the blood flow in the body.

    The ED is caused when the erection we get doesn’t remain erect for the desired time duration. This is because the PDE5 enzyme relaxed in the penis area, which relaxes the muscles instantly. Cenforce makes sure this enzyme is blocked so eth penis muscles don’t get relaxed too soon.

    The other effect that makes sure the erection is upheld for a long time is the good blood flow through the genitals. When the penis is getting enough blood circulation, it can remain erect for a long time.