The total road length in Oman is 69,873 km (43,426 miles). Out of them 1,103 km (686 miles) of roads are classified as motorways, freeways, or autobahns.
The total road length in Oman is 69,873 km (43,426 miles). Out of them 1,103 km (686 miles) of roads are classified as motorways, freeways, or autobahns.
A holding company is a business that owns the stock of other companies in a way that allows the holding company to control the decisions and policies of these companies. A holding company offers a certain advantage in that it is protected from losses. Thus, if one of the companies, where the holding company owning shares, goes bankrupt, the loss does not affect the holding company.
Money laundering is a money legalization process, when a person takes actions that conceal the source of funds in order to make their nature lawful. Anti-money laundering (AML) involves a set of measures aimed to prevent usage of the financial system or banks for money laundering or terrorist financing. AML measures and instruments are globally standardized and implemented by international and national institutions, banking and business companies.
Jamaica emits 2.9 metric tons per capita of CO2. 3308 km² of Jamaica's territory is covered in forests. and forest land comprises 30% of all the land in the country. The number of road motor vehicles per 1000 inhabitants in Jamaica is 438.
The median age is approximately 41.6 years. The median age for men is 40.4, while the median age for women is 42.9.